Key to Abbreviations
SS – Sunday School
AM – Sunday morning service
PM – Sunday evening service
Other – weeknight or Saturday meetings
PP – PowerPoint slides
The Light of Life-(PP) AM/PM New
In John 8:12, Jesus describes himself as “The Light of the World.” In this message, I dig into what we can learn about Christ and ourselves as the children of light from the physical properties of light. The Bible is a “lamp to our feet” and is just the right wavelength to guide us. David Brainerd was inspired to “burn out for God.” He inspired the lives of thousands of others to speak light into darkness. Just as the speed of light is an unchanging constant in the physical universe, Jesus Christ’s nature and truth are unchanging and constant.
Beauty: The Hallmark of God’s Creation –(PP) AM/PM
God has placed within the heart of every person a sense of something eternal and a desire to know the eternal significance of what we do. Learn how created beauty gives meaning to our existence and helps us understand how everything fits together beautifully. Only God can create something that is both functional in an engineering sense but also beautiful.
The Moon: A Signpost from God – (PP) PM/Other
When I was in junior high, I was taught a tall tale about where the moon came from. That sparked a lifelong fascination with the many secular scientific theories that attempt to explain the moon’s origin. But what are these theories, and why do they all fall short? Why did God design the moon the way He did, and how does it reveal His wisdom and power? Join us as we explore the beauty, purpose, and divine craftsmanship of the moon—a celestial body that glorifies its Creator and lights our nights.
Lightning: Illuminating God’s Majesty –(PP) AM/PM
Few things strike fear into the heart of man more than thunder and lightning. Are those fears overblown? Discover God’s many purposes for lightning. What should be our response to God’s lightning and thunder spiritually? Several science demonstrations can be included.
The Heavens Declare the Glory of God – (PP) SS/PM/Other
How exactly do the heavens declare God’s glory? Three ways: through transcendence and awe, universal testimony, and order and design. The sun, moon, and stars are used as examples illustrating each of these ways. Topics covered include, how long it would take to get to the closest star, six problems with the secular fairy tale of the sun’s formation, and God’s purpose for the moon. Includes some of the content in The Moon.
The Universe’s Precision Design – (PP) SS/Other
In what ways does the Earth resemble a precision machine? What does the design of nature highlighted in Psalm 148 teach us about God and His creation? Subjects include the earth’s energy balance and the solar system’s dynamic balance. Includes several science demonstrations.
The Bible Said It First! – (PP) SS/PM/Other
Scientific foreknowledge is scientific information that was revealed in the Bible long before mankind discovered or verified it through extra-Biblical means. Subjects include the number of stars, expansion of the universe, suspension of the earth, blood-sustaining life, and thermodynamics. The Bible is not a science textbook, but when the Bible speaks of science, it is always extremely accurate. Includes several science demonstrations.
Q&A about Science from a Biblical Worldview – PM/Other
Our experience has been that church folk often have questions about science because of things they hear or read. George taught a university course on science and society issues and enjoys interacting with congregations. What works best is to have questions written out ahead of time. After those are answered, questions will be taken from the floor, time permitting.
Seven Lessons from Science in Job – (PP) SS/PM/Other
The Book of Job has more science in it than any other book in the Bible. The seven lessons reveal the order and grandeur of all that God has made, detailing how the intricacies of nature are a powerful testimony to the Creator’s care for mankind. Each of the lessons is applied to the common spiritual needs of man.
Halfway Houses on the Road to Biblical Creation –(PP) Other
When a person accepts Jesus Christ as Savior, he becomes a new creature right away, but his mind may still be conformed to the world in the way he thinks about origins and the age of the earth. The mental halfway houses discussed in this message are Theistic Evolution, The Framework Hypothesis, Progressive Creation, and Intelligent Design.
Standing for God in the Age of Scoffers- PM/Other
Peter has an urgent message for Christians living in the 21st Century. He warns that scoffers will emerge, elevating science to cast doubt on the very existence of God. Believers must navigate a world where such skepticism and blasphemy are normal. This message is a plea to those faithful in their service during these last days to not get discouraged and compromise their message to please the scoffers.
The Curse: Turning Creation into Vanity – AM/PM
Which is true? God is all-powerful but doesn’t care or He does care but He’s not all-powerful. The first thing we need to understand is that the world has not always been the way that it is now. The earth has been cursed. The fall of man altered God’s perfect creation. When natural disasters occur, people either question God’s power or His love. God’s purpose in natural disasters is revealed.
The Biblical Doctrine of Creation – (PP) SS/AM/PM/Other
Sometimes I’m asked to do one message that encompasses what the Bible teaches about Creation in a logical simple way that connects the Bible and science together from a young earth creation perspective. The universe is the WHAT, the eternal Trinity is the WHO, the HOW is by the Word of God in six solar days, the WHEN is 6 or 7 thousand years ago and ends with WHY did God create man?
The God of Creation – AM/PM
Paul in his message on Mars Hill is speaking to a pre-Christian society. We are speaking to a post-Christian society that has many of the same questions about the Creator God. How can we convince people in a post-Christian society that God created? How can we prove that God did not use the process of evolution to create? How can we use the teaching of creation to win people to Christ? How does Creation prove to us that God has our best interests at heart?
Climate Change from a Christian Worldview – (PP) SS/Other
It’s easy for people to either be scared and alarmed as the bad news keeps rolling in or just chalk all of the climate alarmism up to “fake news.” Christians want to know answers to basic questions about global warming. How serious is it? What causes it? What, if anything, should we do about it from a Biblical Worldview? Includes some content from The Universe’s Precision Design. A few science demonstrations can be included.
The Trap of Scientism: the Limitations of Science – (PP) Other
Scientific knowledge today is a mixture of truth and social constructs. The aspect of science that is not a social construct must be based on observation, but observation is limited in what it can tell us. We need to be clear about the limitations of science to avoid the trap of scientism. How has living in a society in which technology is deified affected us as Christians?
Comets: Celestial Snowballs that Glorify God – SS/Other
For thousands of years, people have shown a great interest in these dirty snowballs in the heavens. Comets will be discussed in their historical, Biblical, and scientific contexts. What problems do comets pose for secular scientists? How do comets bring glory to God?
Faithfulness in Fulfilling the Creation Mandate – (PP) SS/Other
Discover how the Creation Mandate, as illustrated in Genesis 2, was supposed to operate before Adam sinned and messed everything up. Learn how to faithfully fulfill the Creation Mandate in your life. Appreciate how aspects of Creational Law, like the Laws of Sowing and Reaping and Giving and Taking, can impact everyone in their jobs. Understand how making use of Creational Wisdom can prepare us for what we will be doing in eternity.
Noah’s Flood: Fact or Fiction? – (PP) Other
Why do people doubt that there was a universal flood? What do people believe about the Flood who do not accept the Biblical account as a literal historical narrative? What scientific evidence do we have that a universal, planet-covering flood did occur? What can we learn from Noah’s Flood that should affect our thinking?
It’s a Young Earth After All! – (PP) Other
One of the most vexing and divisive questions that have arisen among Christians is, “How old is the Earth?” Many sincere Christians hold to an old earth that is millions or billions of years old. But the Bible teaches that the earth is young, and this is also supported by scientific evidence such as natural processes that occur on earth and in the heavens. There is a great deal of evidence for a young Earth if you know where to look for it. Radiometric dating techniques including carbon-14 will also be discussed.
Were Adam and Eve Real People? – (PP) Other
The center of the evolution debate has shifted from asking whether we came from earlier animals to whether we could have come from one man and one woman. What is the biblical and scientific evidence for a literal Adam and Eve? What are the points of agreement between modern secular geneticists and Bible believers and where do we disagree? What lessons for life can we learn from Adam & Eve?
Talking to the Animals about God’s Design – Job 12:7-9 – (PP) SS/PM/Other
An exciting, interactive program that showcases how God’s creative design is revealed in the animal kingdom! Through fascinating science demonstrations and inspiring insights, we’ll learn how animals—from butterflies to giraffes—use physical principles to survive and thrive. We discover how spider webs protect birds, why a woodpecker’s head doesn’t hurt, how prairie dogs air-condition their tunnels, and much more! The beauty, complexity, and ingenuity of God’s creation point to His wisdom and power. Perfect for all ages.