Now more than ever Christians need to understand that the entire Bible is scientifically accurate. Helping equip and embolden Christians to stand for truth in the face of a world that is hostile toward the Creator is the passion of the Matzko Science Ambassadors. The world tells Christians that science and the Bible are not compatible. But it’s not science vs. scripture, but science in Scripture that glorifies our Lord Jesus Christ and honors Him as the Creator. This is our main message for churches, Christian schools, and homeschool groups.
Twenty-five summers of preaching and teaching about science and the Bible in Australia is one of the things that sets George apart from many other speakers. He can speak on a wide range of topics rather than just the narrow subset of creation science. That, combined with years of preaching experience rather than just lecture experience is a rare combination.
Recommendation from our pastor, Dr. Gary Reimers, Cornerstone Baptist Church, Greenville, South Carolina:
George and Darlene Matzko have been faithful, valued members of Cornerstone Baptist Church for many years. Throughout that time, the testimony of their walk with the Lord and their commitment to serve him has been exemplary. We have often invited them to participate in our Bible-teaching ministry and turned to them for instruction on science and creation, always with great profit for our church family. People of all ages appreciate their energetic presentation style as well as the content of their messages, which is thoroughly biblical, scientifically reliable, and practical for every life. I heartily recommend the Matzkos for ministry at your church or school.
The video below is Assistant Pastor John Vance, Gunnery Road Baptist Church, Lehigh Acres, Florida introducing our ministry to his congregation on Sunday, February 4, 2024.
George – 1973 BS Chemistry Bob Jones University
George – 1978 Ph.D. Analytical Chemistry Clemson University
Darlene – 1974 BA Humanities Bob Jones University
Work experience
1978-79 – Research Chemist at Continental Forest Industries
1979-2018 – Chemistry Faculty at Bob Jones University
1981 -2007 – Head of the Department of Chemistry
1995-2017 – Chair of the Division of Natural Science
2018-2023 – Bob Jones University Science Ambassador
2023-present – Founder, Matzko Science Ambassadors, LLC
- Darlene
1974-1977 – Foothills Real Estate & Construction office
1979-2017 – Office staff at Bob Jones University
2018-2023 – Bob Jones University Science Ambassador Assistant
2023-present – Matzko Science Ambassadors
Ministry experience (George and Darlene)
1981–89 – Bob Jones University Nova Scotia Summer Mission Team
1995-2017 – Bob Jones University Australia Summer Mission Team
2020-present – Summers – Guest speakers at the Creation Museum, Kentucky
2023-present – Matzko Science Ambassadors, Cornerstone Baptist Church
Three children and eight grandchildren
Kristalyn married to Pastor Tim Lovegrove of Menifee, California
…..Four daughters (Abby, Katie, Esther, Nadia)
Katie married to Pastor Robert Apps of Melton, Victoria, Australia
…..Three sons (Michael, Joey, Hudson)
Paul married to Jessica Pennington of Hopewell, New Jersey
…..One son (George)
Matzko Science Ambassadors exists to:
Exalt the Lord: By upholding the authority and reliability of God’s Word and magnifying the greatness of our Creator as He is perceived through the sciences.
Edify the Saints: By preaching, teaching, and performing interactive demonstrations to provide believers with a biblical understanding of scientific truth.
Evangelize the Lost: By presenting compelling evidence of God’s design in the natural world and thereby challenge nonbelievers to consider the truth of the Bible and its message of salvation.