May 15, 2019
My name is Tom Kapanka (BJU Class of 1979 BS/1981 MA). Since 2000, I have been administrator of Calvary Christian Schools, in Fruitport, MI. It’s been over a month since we had the privilege of hosting Dr. George and Mrs. Darlene Matzko at CCS, but I continue to think about it and feel compelled to explain why. The Matzkos stayed with us in our home for five days. Our shared evenings gave us a more complete impression of their ministry. As is often the case with Christians fellowship, we soon discovered that we share a network of friends even though we had never met (our years at BJU did not overlap).
The visits we enjoyed that week renewed our gratitude for our experience at BJU. It also restored our hope in the future of the school. There are fewer and fewer colleges and universities holding fast to the truth of Scripture from Genesis to Revelation. We were so pleased to stand alongside the Matzkos as ambassadors for both our Lord and our alma mater.
I have been in full-time K-12 education for 38 consecutive years. The first eighteen years was in the classroom and the last twenty years has been in administration. My wife Julie (Class of 1981) has also been in K-12 education (all but the years when our three children were not in school). We were first introduced to “the Christian School movement” back when scores of new schools from across the country set up booths in the academy gymnasium. It was my speech teacher, Doris Harris, who encouraged me to focus my degree (change majors) to serve in this new field of ministry. That “movement” of the 1980s has perhaps past its crescendo, but those schools that continue to minister are well served by veteran teachers and professors from places like BJU. I have never regretted my career decision.
Likewise, I sense that the Matzkos have no regrets to have spent their long careers in service at BJU (with their summers in various mission fields). This enthusiasm and joy of continued ministry is evident from the moment they arrive at a school or church to the moment they are waving good bye. In our case, CCS had three full days of exciting science assemblies that filled our chapel with eager, forward leaning faces… and a little smoke now and then. At key moments in each presentation just at the “WOW!” moment, all glory was turned to our Creator who makes sense of all things awesome. The presentations were age appropriate for elementary, middle school, and high school. On Wednesday evening, we had an adult session on “climate change” geared to that age. It was also very well attended by parents of CCS and various churches represented in our school. Materials and video promoting BJU were well received.
Thank you for being part of the Matzko’s continued ministry. They represent BJU very well.
Tom Kapanka
Administrator Calvary Christian Schools
Fruitport, MI.