I was asked this question while doing a Q&A at Anchor Baptist Church in Little River, SC this past weekend and the folks at Northside Baptist in Greenville, SC were also interested in this topic last night.
Yes, the magnetic poles are on the move and not only that, they are moving faster and faster year by year. Currently, the north magnetic pole is moving toward Siberia at about 55 kilometers per year and the South magnetic pole has moved off the continent of Antartica headed for Australia.
I think that it is very possible that this migration may signal a pole flip, something that hasn’t happened since the Deluge. It could happen tomorrow or years from now or even during the Tribulation period — no one knows, but the implications could be serious. There is also something called the South Atlantic Anomaly, that is growing apace, that may also signal a new polar reversal.
When the poles finally decide to flip, we could be left for a time without the magnetic field that protects our planet from solar and galactic radiation, the ionizing rays that can harm things on our planet. That not only means that cancer rates will skyrocket, but our electrical systems could fail as well. Some estimates I’ve seen say that that it might take up to two years to restore power for everyone affected. Daniel Baker, of the University of Colorado, who is sun radiation expert, says there’s no question in his mind that parts of the planet will become uninhabitable.
If you are interested in learning more about this topic, I would recommend watching this short video even though it uses a bogus evolutionary time scale: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6Ggs7nUjxA Creationists are not comforted by assertions that we don’t need to worry because it only happens every 780,000 years. Our time horizon is much more compressed than theirs.
Psalm 47:9b – “for the shields of the earth belong unto God: he is greatly exalted.”