The Earth is suspended in space
Job 26:7 – He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing. [“North – The northern part of the heavens, which is put for the whole visible heaven, because Job and his friends lived in a northern climate. Nothing – Upon no props or pillars, but his own power and providence” – John Wesley]
This Biblical idea is quite different from the “World Turtle” pictured above in an 1876 drawing of the world supported on the backs of four elephants, themselves resting on the back of a turtle. This mythological view has counterparts worldwide.
Even in Europe and America, the idea that there was some kind of aether medium in which the earth was embedded prevailed until 1887, when Michelson and Morley tried to use an interferometer in a vain attempt to detect the relative motion of the earth in the aether.
The earth suspended in space is only one of many examples of scientific foreknowledge in the Bible. Here is what Matthew Henry had to say about Job 26:7 – The globe by the almighty power of God, is firmly fixed in its place, poised with its own weight. The art of man could not hang a feather upon nothing, yet the divine wisdom hangs the whole earth so. It is upheld by the word of God’s power. What is hung upon nothing may serve us to set our feet on, and bear the weight of our bodies, but it will never serve us to set our hearts on, nor bear the weight of our souls.